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Noreen Hynes' Biography

Noreen Hynes a Chartered Accountant , entrepreneur and Author, writes about "How to start a Business"

I'm a retired Chartered Accountant and former CEO and Finance Director who decided to get off the corporate ladder in 1999 when my children were in secondary school. I am also a wife to Declan, a retired company director, a mother to three wonderful grown-up children, and a grandmother to five beautiful grandchildren who bring me so much joy.

I have worked in the senior corporate level's food and drinks, IT, and energy sectors. Since 1999, I have founded and run property marketing, manufacturing, and consulting businesses. I know how hard it is to give up a secure, well-paying job and the uncertainty and risks of starting and running a new business. The daily worries about how the bills will get paid can be daunting. Despite that, I loved every day working in my businesses. Having had some great successes and failures, I know how it feels to succeed and the downers of failure. No one tells you how lonely it is to be the boss making important decisions daily and wondering if they are the right decisions. How do you know if your business will be successful and if you should invest further in it? How do you convince funders to back you and your business? How do you manage your cash flow? Then there are all the corporate legal, financial, and governance issues to deal with and recruiting good people, which is getting more difficult every year. As someone who made it happen as an entrepreneur and a  business mentor, I have included knowledge gained over forty years in this book. I had the great pleasure of working with Eugene Savage and knew he would be the ideal co-author for our book Start-up Checklist for Success, The Essentials You Need To Know. In our book, I talk about how to start a business and more.....

This book contains excellent tips and knowledge to help your start-up succeed.  Buy it now on Amazon:

© 2023 Noreen Hynes 

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